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Do you offer a free trial of evyAI

Get a Free Trial of evyAI!

Simply create an account with evyAI and **Boom!** you’re inside your free trial!
It is free to sign up and start using evyAI.
Click here to install the extension and register for free.  

Then go to linkedin.com/feed and try to generate a post – does the purple evyAI icon show? Can you click on it and generate a post? 

Also, go to app.evyai.com and log in with the same username and password, and check that out as well. 

All within our free trial.
Go to evyai.com/upgrade to learn more about what you get with evyAI premium.

Try out evyAI for FREE by installing the Chrome extension here

If you like evyAI consider upgrading to premium at evyai.com/upgrade.
