Feeling Stuck? Try This New Strategy to Gain More Clients on LinkedIn™

Feeling Stuck Try This New Strategy to Gain More Clients on LinkedIn

Reach a new audience by engaging with LinkedIn™ influencers regularly!

You know a networking strategy is successful when it helps you get closer to your goals. 

However, there might come a time when what worked before doesn’t work anymore, or it is not quite as effective. If that’s happening to you, then you know it’s time to shake things up!

Mark Savant, one of our clients, recently shared with us a networking strategy that will change the way you use evyAI.

Mark’s Unique Networking Strategy

First, make sure you optimize your LinkedIn™ profile with evyAI’s Profile Optimizer, so that people can clearly understand what you do and how you can help them.

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Next, you’ll want to find LinkedIn™ influencers creating content within your niche. With the evyAI Chrome extension, you can create custom lists to save their profiles and keep track of their activity on LinkedIn™.

Once you’ve compiled your list of influencers, you can leverage our comment generator to comment on their latest posts. Remember to set your goal and tone before hitting “ Generate”. 

Once evyAI drafts the comment, you can go in and edit it to fit your own voice and writing style.

Why is engaging with LinkedIn™ influencers so powerful?

Big accounts get a lot of views and have lots of people engaging with their content. 

If you leave thoughtful, engaging comments and responses, that’s going to get the attention of his followers and it’s going to drive traffic to your profile.

That’s the goal: leveraging their audience to drive traffic to your own LinkedIn™ profile. 

This is why you want to save their profile into a custom evyAI list. Let’s say, for example, that we create a list named “Influencers”. Once you’ve saved a profile into the list, then you can head over to the evyAI web app and keep track of their latest activity on LinkedIn™, so that you never miss a post!

Create a custom Persona to post authentic comments

Many people are hesitant to leverage AI tools because they’re afraid that they’ll produce unauthentic content.

But the cool thing about AI is that you can train it! 

We’ve developed a Persona feature where you can train evyAI to mirror your own tone in all the content it helps you create.

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You only need to provide some information about you and your business.

Here are two blog posts that you will find helpful that talk about creating custom personas:


We also have a quick tutorial video where we explain the process step by step:

Want to learn more about Mark’s strategy? Watch his full video below: 

Give this strategy a try and let us know what your results!

Try out evyAI for FREE by installing the Chrome extension here

If you like evyAI consider upgrading to premium at evyai.com/upgrade.
